Don’t see your question asked here? Feel free to reach out with specific questions to the Inquire Now button in the upper right corner!

How much is training and do you offer discounts?

Training costs fluctuate to accommodate many things such as: season, demand, hay costs, grain costs, and more. Due the unpredictability of the market, we are unable to set a permanent training price. We have offered discounts multi-horse and multi-month discounts in the past. Please feel free to reach out through the Inquire Now link above to find up to date information

Is there a number I can call to speak to a trainer?

Absolutely! Most communication between RES and clients happens through our cell phones. Please follow the link to inquire and we are happy to provide cell phone numbers.

Does my horse need to be shod?

We don’t require horses to be shod before coming to training but we do strongly recommend it. A lot of the terrain we ride out on is rocky and could make barefoot horses pretty sore. We will not knowingly sore a horse, so your horse could potentially miss out on valuable experience by not having shoes. At the end of the day, you know your horse best and if you’re confident they can go barefoot that is your choice and we will work with you.

When does my contract need to be signed? Can I sign a hard copy instead of a digital?

Your contract needs to be signed before you can leave your horse in our care. The contract protects the client/trainer relationship. Additionally, the client questionnaire is something we reference frequently to verify that we are on track with the goals of the client with their horse. We do keep a couple of contracts printed out and available to clients that would rather sign a hard copy, or you may bring your own that is completed at drop off.

Is my deposit refundable?

Unfortunately, no. When you send a contract and your deposit we are committing that slot to you. If you cancel and we are unable to fill that spot, we are out an entire month of training income for that spot.

That being said, happy clients are the most important thing to us and often we have a waitlist, so we do try to offer refunds whenever possible (even though we don’t guarantee them).

How often can I expect to hear from RES while my horse is in training?

The short answer is as much as you want to. But please keep in mind that we need both hands to ride and do chores, so unless we are taking a break we don’t gave the ability to text or call. And remember that we are outside and it is often hot, cold, windy, rainy, or snowing so our hands are usually gloved as well.

If you would like an update, send a text or leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we have the ability to do so!

We always tell clients at drop off that we get busy and forget to send updates, but no news is good news!

Can I bring my own hay to save on training costs?

Unfortunately, no. We don’t have the hay storage capacity to offer that to all clients.

How are horses boarded?

We do have a couple of options for boarding. The standard includes being in a small herd of training horses that are free fed. We find that keeping these horses in a herd dynamic helps to keep them happiest and healthiest.

For an additional charge, we can keep a client horse by itself but we are limited on these solo pens. First come first serve.

The exception to this rule is of course if a horse is getting kicked off feed or otherwise unhappy in the herd.